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  • Sisi Roose

Meditation: Five minutes could be all you need to let your audience know you get them.

It was only two months into the job I had created for myself and two months into working for an ideal client who had given me a chance. All the scheduled posts for my client ran may have run out. All the inspiration in my brain may have disappeared, but I couldn’t let it end here. My client was depending on me and my dreams were depending on me!

That’s the moment I discovered my secret to creating content that resonates: meditation.

Criss-cross-applesauce on my bed, I placed my hands on my legs palms up, set a five minute timer, closed my eyes, and began breathing deeply.

As the stress in my shoulders slipped away and allowed my weight to sink into the mattress I visualized the women my client served. I imagined their day, their challenges and victories. I thought of what I would say to them if we were in a coffee shop chatting.

I saw a human being caught in the humdrum of life needing to be seen, needing to be heard, needing what my client had to offer!

And words filled my mind.

It was about that time my eyes fluttered open as I worried about losing all these words.

Taking an extra deep breath, I closed my eyes again and choose trust. Trust that the best ideas would stay with me. Trust that if I lost an idea, a better idea would take its place.

At the end of five minutes I opened my laptop and wrote.

I wrote and wrote and wrote.

Because you make funny faces when you're filming...

I didn’t worry if the paragraphs made sense, flowed naturally, or were too long.

I just wrote. I wrote until the words stopped.

And this is what I want to leave you with: Let your first draft be your worst draft.

I’m thoroughly convinced that when we’re not afraid of making mistakes we create the things that connect with others most.

When the words finally stopped, edited it (three simple steps to edit a full messy page of words into short and inspired captions), I didn’t have just one week’s worth of captions, I had two week’s worth of captions.

Not only that, over the next three weeks, I watched the average view of my client’s facebook posts go from 53 to 298 and 34 followers join the party on instagram (Get the five minute guided meditation I use to accomplish all this HERE).

Why did my clients engagement skyrocket?! Because they felt heard and seen.

I was just looking for a photo on me wearing the same dress, but this photo works really well because this book is all about knowing YOU matter.

Visualizing who you serve, not only inspires you with words, but it empowers you to write words that resonate.

That brings me eight months into the job I created for myself and five different clients (that’s a lot of captions, btw), I’ve broken all the rules I know about marketing, nicheing, and websites, but my dreams are more of a reality than they’ve ever been. I’ve navigated this new territory with meditation and the mantra “let your first draft be your worst draft” because afterall the first draft is how you get to the final draft.

P.S. Sitting down to meditate can be hard as it is, if you want a guided meditation so all you have to do is sit still and hit play let me know where to send it.

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